Picture of the Project

Project Details

A prisoner banished from his home planet makes it his goal to return and destroy the utopian government that cast him out. Venture through wastelands, suburbia, sewers,and dense cities to reach the tower of an all powerful government. Destory it from the inside out and get your revenge.

In the Spring of 2021, I attended a Production Studio class. Our one and only assignment, create a game. I joined my team as a writer, level designer, and QA tester. Throughout the entire semester I was responsible for designing two levels, Suburbia and The Sewers, as well as write the background and history for each.

My Responsibilities

- Sketch, designed, and then greyboxed the levels in Unity using Probuilder
- Made changes to the design and layout based off of feedback
- Tested levels to ensure the flow/pathing made sense and that the quailty was upheld
- Wrote details of the levels to help give background for their existence and history

Project Details

A random number from 1-100 is picked, do you think you have the luck to guess the right one in 5 attempts? Don't worry it's not all luck, you'll get some help telling you if the answer is higher or lower! Earn points on correct guesses and customize the window with the in-game shop. Show off your achievements with unlockable badges!

Guess The Number was a passion project. It was driven by my want to learn and get better at CSS/HTMl but also practice more with JavaScript. I was tired of just developing my portfolio site and wanted to gain more experience with developing a game. So I brainstormed something simple and got straight to work. It started in July 2021 and completion of a MVP occured around September 2021. With more updates and mechanics being added til around November the same year.

My Responsibilities

- Planned, developed, and tested the logic using JavaScript
- Created the pixel art assests for the achievements tab using Aseprite
- Developed logic using local storage to keep track of a users unlocks, achievements, wins, etc
- Crafted individual JavaScript Controllers to handle the data and logic for each tab
- Designed each individual tab page with CSS


GTN-V1 GTN-V1.2 GTN-V1.3 GTN-V1.4.0 V.1.4.2(colors) V.1.4.3 V.1.5.0 V.1.5.1 V. V.1.5.2 V.2.0 V.2.5 V.2.5-2 V.2.7

Project Details

You probably know of the Statue of Liberty, Niagra Falls, the Eiffel Tower, but do you know of the Rock of Gibraltar? Or Giant's Causeway? The Lascaux Caves? No? Then the Landmark Finder can help point you in their direction! Find new places you couldn't possibly imagine whether they're man-made or all natural.

This school project was developed in April 2020. The assigment was to combine two APIs and make an application with a real world usage. After some thought I decided to work on a map that would help locate famous landmarks and give info of each one. To my surprise though I was unable to find any API that had info on multiple landmarks. So I took it upon myself to craft my very own.

My Responsibilities

- Developed a PHP script that would handle user input and give appropriate landmark info
- Use the Mapbox API to display location of landmark from info given to it by my own API
- Created a JSON script to handle button inputs and how they affect the API

Project Details

Have you wanted to travel to outer space? Get an idea for what it feels like to be weightless? Space Experience can't take you out of this atmosphere, but it'll do it's best to give you taste of being out of this world. Enjoy the music, colors, and stars! Don't like the colors or speed? Feel free to change that and more with the different options available.

Outer Space Experience was a school project I worked on in March of 2020. The goal of the project was to create a visual experience using Canvas and the AudioContext API to allow a user to change multiple settings of what was being shown. I gave users the options to change the speed of the surrounding planets, the color, and direction of the visual audio.

My Responsibilities

- Developed the site using AudioContext to allow for a visual representation of the audio
- Using Canvas drew the images of the planets, astronaut, and planet behind
- With a random number generator created a way for stars to 'twinkle' randomly
- Wrote JSON that would allow users to change the speed or color of what was being drawn
- CSS was written and designed to give the website a deep and atmospheric look

Project Details

Hello and welcome to my portfolio site! Here you'll find everything my past or current projects. You can play Guess The Number or read my blog and get to know more about me! Whatever your reasoning for being here I hope you enjoy the look around.

In the beginning of Februrary 2021, this site was personal project born out of necessity. I needed a way to show off my programming skills and like most other programmers a portfolio site is an absolute must. Although I had another problem, I was still lacking confidence in my HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills. So I saw an opportunity to hit two stones with one bird ....early worm gets the bird? Anyways I saw the chance to build my own site from the ground up. Everything you see on this site was carefully crafted by me! It's the perfect extension of myself, as I grow so does the site, constantly evolving from different looks and new funtionality, so please excuse some messes here and there.

My Responsibilities

- Designed the entire site using CSS to try and keep responsivness as a priorty
- Create a structure that is easy to navigate for newcomers
- Build a site to clearly convey my skills and projects I've worked on


Home Page- Before Home Page- After Project Page- Before Project Page- After

Project Details

Welcome to the VR Convention Centre, here you can host a booth for your business or learn about a new industry. Explore this massive VR world I created where businesses can connect, people can meet others with similar interests, and presentations can be hosted to teach the public other new and fascinating topics from VR to Marketing.

During my first Intership at VR Networking, I was tasked with creating a VR space. A space where people can meet, show off their businesses, and shows can be held to spread info with those who share the same passions. The centre was to be created in Unity and optimized from the way it can be edited to its performance on VR headsets. From November 2021 to the end of December that year I had to design and complete this space along with additonal sections/variations.

My Responsibilities

- Sketched, designed, revised the layout of the entire VR space
- Using Unity put together completed assests, or created my own, to fill in the centre
- Carefully crafted prefabs with ease of editing in mind
- Developed with optimization in mind for space to be able to run on VR headsets
- Provided detailed documentation that would allow future edits to be easily made